There are opportunityes to join members of the Blackbourne Team in prayer at the following times and places:
Mon-Sat 9am Morning Prayer live on the Team Fb page
Mon-Fri 8pm Night Prayer live on the Team Fb page
Tuesdays 9am Morning Prayer Barnham and Facebook
Thursdays 9am Morning Prayer Ixworth and Facebook
Fridays: 9am Morning Prayer Ingham (1st Friday of the month), Ampton (2nd Friday of the month), Great Livermere (3rd Friday of the month), Troston (4th Friday of the month).
Most of our churches are open everyday, providing a quiet place for prayer and reflection. Many have prayer trees for you to request the church to add your concerns and thanksgivings to their Sunday prayers of intercession.
We also take an active part in Archbishop Justin's call for a wave of prayer between Pentecost and Ascension, taking an active part in 'Thy Kingdom Come'.
Useful links:
Why not use the Daily Office of Morning, Evening and
Night prayer using the Church of England apps?
Or join the Northumbria Community in daily prayer?
Or download daily prayer from Pray As You Go?
Or use Sacred Space, a website for personal prayer?
Or simply Ask Alexa?